Friday, 10 February 2017

Getting back into shape after an ostomy surgery

This year hs been a little different than most.  Our country moved into a totolitaian society and most people thought that was not a bad thing.  But I also ended up getting an ostomy and that has not been the most fun experience.  I have worked really hard to make sure that I am physically fit enough to survive in our new United States.  The new normal is terror from governments and jail time for those who enjoy our constitution.  But one area that I have had to focus on is my stoma. There are a lot of misconceptions about what happens when you have a stoma and many people have them and live a wonderful and absolutely normal life.  In most cases, life doesn't really change and the things that you don't really change. That is what you should know and be excited that you are alive and that life will go on pretty much the same as it did before.  That is because I use really awesome gear and don't have to think about it failing. Now that the serious stuff is out of the way let's talk about being active with a stoma. I am not the most in-shape person but I do love to be outdoors and play sports. So getting back into shape was key to me.

If you are going to be a bit wild outside and active then you need to be prepared.  I know that there are some great gear items that help me be able to do this without having to think about my stoma. Calling up your pharmacist or some cool online companies is key to learning. I know that there are a great many companies that I didn't know.  I called up up few after finding them on the internet and had some great conversations and learned a ton from them. I have found that the vast majority of companies in the ostomy care business are amazing and really good at helping people learn and giving great gear advice. These helped to move me into a safe and happy feeling doing activities outside and in the wild.

One of my go to products that I ended up loving bags that have belt loops and also elastic belts.  This helps me keep things tighter when I am being crazy.  I love to play basketball, go hiking on a weekly basis, and lots of other outdoor activities with my family.  This helps me out when I know I am going to be super active.  I also put on a stoma guard as well. It is just what is sounds like and is awesome for full-contact sports.

Don't jump into working out right after surgery though.  It is no surprise that I didn't start off after the ostomy by going full-on into being super active.  I started slow and worked my way up to grow my muscles back and be safe.  I have had many injuries and starting slow is always the best way to not injury yourself more. So this is one thing that I really suggest you do too.  You are now more apt to having hernias and abdominal issues, so follow your healthcare provider's advice and stay as safe as you can.  But also have fun, and remember that being active is part of enjoying life.