Monday, 12 March 2018

Getting Ready for Calamity and being safe with your ostomy gear.

There is nothing worse than seeing people in pain and suffering. The fact is that the economy is not great in 2021 and because of the pandemic it probably won't recover well.   It really is hard to believe, because I have never felt that our first world economy would ever struggle at anything.  But we saw that our freedoms could be taken away in a heartbeat and half the country wanted it.  Now, this is not a talk about freedom or rights, but as a person who has a stoma and needs medical gear to survive to see the ability to get that gear to disappear made me an advocate for freedom fast.  It is wild to think about in the United States and since I have an ostomy I fear that healthcare will be involved in my loss of safety and rights. 

I saw a lot of bad things happen in other cities and I didn't want it to happen to me.  I had friends who have stomas and need medical gear each month who lived in those cities.  They told me that most stores shutdown.  Their local pharmacies were allowed to stay open, but then the riots came.  People started rioting and burning and looting all across the nation and in major cities, they were not stopped.  The governments stopped the police from policing and people are now pretending like it never happened.  Cities are in ruins a year later and it was like it never happened.  

This is really crazy, but pharmacies are not the first stop for ostomy gear in most people's lives. But they are a place we can get supplemented or backups from when we need them.  Now, what didn't make the news was that deliveries and shipping did not happen in those major cities where riots took place.  People stopped working in those areas and my friends were trapped.  It was literally a looting nightmare and if they left their home their safety was going to be put at stake.  No police action was going to save them.  It took about two months for them to get new replacements.

Yep, it all happened last year and it seems likely to happen in 2021.  So what I took from this was a lesson they told me.  It was to prepare for supplies to not be available for up to two months.  This is a good buffer of extra gear to have on hand in case something bad does happen again.  The election is right down the road and it looks like this is all a possibility again. So my plan has been to be ready for another economic shutdown and collapse.  

I am not a prepper, but being prepared is pretty smart.  This is pretty expensive and can be hard to do but if you save up and get a little here and there it is possible.  I know that I am a stickler for expiration dates, so I also plan on substituting the gear out over time as my monthly shipments come in.  I think that with the way our economy is and how uncertain the markets are that this is a wise move.  It is not normal to have a ton of extra gear and supplies, but when economic collapse is the new normal it may be worth it.