Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Stock of Supplies

Something people should not have to worry about during a nation-wide lock down is their medical supplies. Americans all over the country are wondering where they are going to get their ConvaTec ostomy supplies during a time like this. Thankfully, the government understands the importance of medical supplies and will continue to produce and distribute ConvaTec ostomysupplies through this difficult time. Anything could happen at any point, so they would recommend that patients stock up over the next several weeks. People would be put in a pretty sticky situation if they did not have access to the supplies they need. Consider ordering a few extra of these products during the quarantine. You never know what might happen.

Bags are oftentimes reusable. And this is great for a few uses and cleanings! But obviously, the bag will eventually need to be changed. This could even be a time to try out a new type of bag that you have not had the time prior. You will, afterall, be spending the majority of your time at home so you can check on the bag and how quickly it needs to be changed.

Each time you reapply a bag you have to apply an adhesive. Some people opt for time. Some really enjoy paste. Another option to think about is also a spray type adhesive. It is important to make sure the adhesive you choose is agreeable with your skin. The reason most people have to try a few different types of adhesive is because of how their skin reacts to it. Might as well get a few different type just in case your body develops this weird reaction to the type of adhesive you have been ordering for years.

Ostomy Belt
One thing you certainly can do during this time is take a little walk, run, or hike. This does not put you in any danger because this does not put you in direct contact with anyone else. If you have not previously purchased one, an ostomy belt is perfect for physical exercise. It helps the bag and stoma stay staple during any strenuous movements. This might be a great chance to try out something new.

Cleaners and Deodorizing
Cleaning supplies are the most important part of your ostomy. Keeping your stoma clean is of the upmost importance during a time like this. Infections spread much quicker through open wounds. And your stoma essentially is an open wound. So always wash your hands before cleaning and make sure you are cleaning quite often.

Changing Drainable Bags

At first people may feel like their ostomies are an inconvenience. Sure, changing your daily routine can be difficult and frustrating at first. But the payoff is worth it. After just a few short months, it will no longer be an inconvenience. Once you have the feeling of relief and stress-free, you want to do everything you can to keep that. Sometimes patients are hesitant to change their routine once they’ve had that feeling. But the truth is, sometimes things change. And sometimes your stoma changes and you need to change your routine accordingly.

One product many people report is with their ostomy bags. Especially while healing, it is possible your stoma can change size and shape. If the stoma is changing, the bag you are using probably isn’t going to work anymore. You and your doctor picked a specific bag to fit your needs on that specific day you went in. Now that you are at home your stoma could start to change and you can make a decision on what type of bag to try next. ConvaTec ostomy supplies come in many different forms. There are so many types of ostomy bags available to choose from according to your needs. Maybe you have always had a drainable bag, but now you may benefit from a two-piece ostomy bag. Don’t be afraid to try different options and see what’s best for you.

Also, people report not being able to feel their stoma becoming active after healing starts to take place. At first the intestines and stoma are raw and swollen, so you may feel the pressure of the stoma becoming active. After a while, though, the healing will take place and the pressure will go away. Sometimes this means people will not realize how many movements they are having in a day. The bag could leak because of this. They could opt for a different bag that is either slightly larger or that has better leak protection.

If you have never tried drainable bags, they are very convenient. You can wear this type of bag for several days so no more raw skin after replacing adhesive every day. The skin can be easily irritated by changing the bag so often. If your skin is constantly irritated, consider switching to drainable bags. When the person wants to empty the bag they simply position themself over the toilet (or catch it in a cup to be discarded) and open the seal to let the output drain out.